Our MOORING SNUBBER are made from super elastic EPDM rubber. These Line Saver Mooring Snubbers prevent mooring line breakage along with compensating for sudden jolting and excess stretching of lines beyond parting strength. |

* Increses the life of dock lines and reduces stress on cleats and stanchions.
* Great protection against the stresses of wind and waves while docked.
* Highly elastic rubber buffers the boat from dock line shock loads.
* Locks lines safely and securely. Self-locking internal system eliminates chafing.
Four Sizes might fit your needs:
For dock line size 10-12 mm : Length: 332mm
For dock line size 12-16 mm : Length: 416mm
For dock line size 14-18 mm : Length: 520mm
For dock line size 20-24 mm : Length: 600mm